Melting in Your Sweetness Novel Chapter 525 – 527

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Chapter 525

Alton Ye turned his head and looked at Tanya An. Tanya An just smiled. Alton Ye originally planned to wait for the announcement a few days before the official wedding. He didn’t expect that his mother would have given the news so soon. Spread out. Alton Ye thought about the things he had prepared before, and it was soaked. Although it was soaked, it was the same for the wedding.

Alton Ye ate breakfast slowly, took a sip of milk and turned to look at Ning Wanyuan. Ning Wanyuan smiled at Alton Ye.

“Son, you need to know how good my daughter-in-law is, how could I bear your mother, so I accidentally spread it out, what do you guess?” Ning Wanyuan was excited Speaking of.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Alton Ye said in a deep voice

“No, no, you don’t know. Not long after I got up this morning, my sisters started calling one by one, asking who my daughter-in-law was? How did she look like? All in all, I asked many, many, fast. I’m overwhelmed.” Ning Wanyuan said a lot in a snap.

When Alton Ye and Tanya An heard Ning Wanyuan’s words, they just looked at her and didn’t know how to answer them.

“Mom, you eat first, eat first, don’t you have to deal with the guest list later, don’t delay.” Rena Ye said quickly.

“Oh! Yeah, I have to eat quickly. Getting married can’t be sloppy.” Ning Wanyuan lowered her head and kept stuffing her mouth.

Alton Ye and Tanya An couldn’t help but twitch their mouths as they watched Ning Wanyuan gobble up. Is this still the elegant Ning Wanyuan.

Ning Wanyuan pays great attention to her elegance, and she never shows such an appearance in front of people. Looking at it now, is Ning Wanyuan even younger than a child.

“Okay, I’m full, I’ll go busy first, you eat slowly.” Ning Wanyuan finished speaking and left with a small song.

Rena Ye looked at Ning Wanyuan’s back and shook her head helplessly, then turned to look at Alton Ye and Tanya.

“Brother sister-in-law, I guess my mother will definitely make a big move this time.” Rena Ye said with a serious face.

“Big trick? What big trick?” Tanya An asked with a dazed expression.


“Rena Ye can’t stop your mouth because of eating. Be careful to starve the son in your stomach.” Alton Ye said abruptly.

“Bah, baah, what are you talking about? Did your uncle do this, even talking about your nephew.” Rena Ye said angrily.

“Okay, Reena, I just want you to eat.” James Yi said helplessly.

“Cut! Sister-in-law, you will have to take care of him in the future.” Rena Ye said.

Alton Ye heard that he raised his head and looked at Rena Ye, and Rena Ye quickly picked up the bread on the table and gnawed it, indicating that he didn’t know anything.

Jingle Bell.

Jingle Bell.

“Hey!” Alton Ye’s expression changed when he heard it.

The phone talked for a minute, but Alton Ye’s face was not so good. He hung up the phone and didn’t even eat breakfast.

“What’s wrong?” Tanya An asked.

Something happened to the company. Yee and I will go there first. Today, think about where you want to hold your wedding. “Alton Ye smiled and looked at Tanya An.

“Yeah, good.” Tanya An said with a smile.

“Let’s go.” Alton Ye turned his head and glanced at James Yi.

“Yes.” James Yi finished speaking and looked at Rena Ye, “I’ll go by first.”

“Yeah!” Rena Ye nodded.

Alton Ye got into the car and turned on the computer, as if to connect to the video, but he couldn’t connect.

“Master, what happened?” James Yi asked in a deep voice.

“Chen Rui and the one who was on a business trip with her can’t get in touch anymore.” Alton Ye said in a deep voice.

“Is it on the plane? You also know that the mobile phone is not allowed on the plane.” James Yi said in a deep voice.

“No, they have not yet come back.” Alton Ye said in a deep voice.

“Then, do you want to send someone over to find it?” James Yi said in a deep voice.

“Go back to the company first.” Alton Ye said coldly.


ten minutes later.

Alton Ye and James Yi had already arrived at the company. Alton Ye strode to the office with a meteor, and James Yi followed closely behind.

Jingle Bell.

Jingle Bell.

As soon as Alton Ye arrived at the office, the phone rang again and took out the phone and looked at the caller ID on it. His eyes became extremely cold, and James Yi who followed him noticed it.

“Hey!” Alton Ye said coldly, came to the huge French window and looked downstairs.

“Hi! I haven’t heard your voice for a long time, and I really miss it.”

“Really? How did you hear it now?” Alton Ye said with a chuckle, but his voice exuded a cold killing intent.

“No, no, I, Yun Yan, is not satisfied so quickly.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“Let’s talk about it, did you tamper with the two of them?” Alton Ye said coldly.

“You are still as smart as you were before.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“Humph! Thank you for the compliment, but you are still as stupid as before.” Alton Ye said coldly.

“Hahaha! Excuse me for your concerns, now you walk to your desk. Then turn on the computer.” Yun Yan said coldly.

Alton Ye turned his head and glanced at James Yi. James Yi saw that he quickly walked to Alton Ye’s computer, turned on the computer, and the moment it was turned on, it turned out to be a black screen, which appeared after a few seconds. Up the screen.

James Yi saw that Alton Ye looked at Alton Ye in shock. Alton Ye walked to the computer, and then he saw Chen Rui and Li Qingqing in the video being tied there.

“Did you see it?” Yun Yan said with a smile on the phone.

Alton Ye smiled when he heard it, and then sat in a chair and looked at the computer calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

“The pavilion owner of the dignified dark pavilion has fallen to the point of kidnapping people, tusk tusk, it’s really pitiful.” Alton Ye’s voice was full of irony.

Yun Yan’s face changed when he heard Alton Ye’s words. Everyone could hear these words. Is it obvious that he was satirizing him? The dark pavilion, the dark pavilion was so brilliant before, even the mafia might not be his opponents.

But all that was ruined by Alton Ye, and the dark pavilion he had worked so painstakingly was destroyed by Alton Ye. Yun Yan thought of this, and the anger in his heart reached the extreme.

“Alton Ye wants to save people, so he revoked the suppression of the Chen group, otherwise the two of them won’t be able to go back.” Yun Yan said coldly.

Alton Ye heard a few laughs, and was not at all cold at Yun Yan’s threatening words. On the contrary, he felt that Yun Yan would be even more stupid to do so. Chen Rui is just his own chess piece, and that Li Qingqing They are even more of an insignificant person, so Chen Rui and Li Qingqing are two people, Alton Ye doesn’t know whether they really want to save or imaginary.

Chapter 526

Alton Ye heard a few laughs, and was not at all cold at Yun Yan’s threatening words. On the contrary, he felt that Yun Yan would be even more stupid to do so. Chen Rui is just his own chess piece, and that Li Qingqing They are even more of an insignificant person, so Chen Rui and Li Qingqing are two people, Alton Ye doesn’t know whether they really want to save or imaginary.

“They are just my chess pieces.” Alton Ye said in a deep voice.

“Hahaha! Alton Ah Alton, are they your chess piece or a cooperative relationship with you?” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“Do you know this?” Alton Ye said coldly.

“Okay! Since President Ye is just pawns to them, then I don’t have to be polite, you say yes, if they know they are just your pawns, they will definitely hate you in their hearts, then if I were If they help you solve it, they won’t know if you are right.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“Heh! Then I would like to thank you too!” Alton Ye said sarcastically.

Yun Yan suddenly laughed when he heard Alton Ye’s words. He didn’t think that Alton Ye’s words were unreasonable, but he didn’t care about these things, he only cared about the Chen Group.

“No, no, no thanks for this. If you don’t agree to my terms, then you will be embarrassed. The two of them will be buried in France.” Yun Yan said lightly.

“Why should I promise you?” Alton Ye said coldly, watching Chen Rui and Li Qingqing in the computer video.

“Okay! If you don’t agree, then I have to kill them. Anyway, they are not very important to you.” Yun Yan said indifferently.


Just after Yun Yan’s words, Alton Ye heard a finger snapping sound on the phone. After Alton Ye reacted, there were two big men in black standing next to Chen Rui and Li Qingqing in the computer video. .

Both Chen Rui and Li Qingqing had their ears and mouths blocked. They couldn’t hear or speak. They still had hoods on their heads, and they could only constantly struggle on their chairs.

“You won’t kill him.” Alton Ye said coldly.

“Alton Ye, do you think you know me well?” Yun Yan said in a deep voice.

“Not bad.” Alton Ye said disapprovingly.

Yun Yan’s whole body exuded a cold chill when he heard Alton Ye’s words. He disliked Alton Ye’s appearance most.

“How about Alton Ye, why don’t we play a game today?” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“I’m not that interested.” Alton Ye said coldly.

“Why, are you scared?” Yun Yan said sarcastically.

“Heh! You don’t have to arouse me.” Alton Ye said in a deep voice.

“No, no, no, we play this game today. It’s about the lives of the two of them. If you play or not, maybe they can survive. If you don’t play, their lives are really gone.” Yun Yan said in a deep voice. Speaking of.

Just as Yun Yan’s words fell, the two big men in black took out the pistols placed on their waists and pointed them at Chen Rui and Li Qingqing.

“How do you want to play?” Alton Ye said coldly.

Yun Yan heard a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and then saw the big man in black taking off Chen Rui and the two of them’s headgear, earplugs and the tape sticking to his mouth.

The two people who had seen the bright light for a long time were suddenly stimulated by the strong light and felt very uncomfortable, and then it took a long time to relieve.

Li Qingqing watched herself strapped to a chair, and there were two big men in black beside her, with those dangerous guns in her hands, her face turned pale instantly, struggling constantly.

“Help! Is there any? Help!” Li Qingqing shouted.

“Shut up, be careful that I shot you with one shot.” The black man said coldly.

Li Qingqing didn’t dare to move anymore, she could only sit on the chair shivering, she didn’t know what was going on, she remembered that she was having dinner with Director Chen, but she felt dizzy while eating. , When he woke up, he was already tied here.

“Don’t be afraid.” Suddenly a gentle voice came into Li Qingqing’s ears.

“Chen… Director Chen.” Li Qingqing exclaimed in surprise.

“Yeah!” Chen Rui nodded.

“Why are we kidnapped? Can we still go back?” Li Qingqing asked scaredly.

“Of course.” Chen Rui said with a smile.

“Yeah! I believe you.” Li Qingqing said in a deep voice.

“Turn on the screen.” A cold voice came into the ears of the two people.

Just when the two people were surprised, a large screen appeared on the white walls that were originally all around. This was the effect of a projector.

When the screen came on, Alton Ye’s figure and Yun Yan’s voice appeared in front of the two people.

Both Chen Rui and Li Qingqing looked at the two people on the screen with shocked expressions, but their eyes were different. Chen Rui’s eyes were hateful and angry, and Li Qingqing’s eyes were dodging and sad. .

“Who are you?” Chen Rui suddenly asked Yun Yan in the screen coldly.

Yun Yan’s heart was shocked when he looked at Chen Rui, and he felt a slight vibration in his heart, but he couldn’t tell.

“I’m Yun Yan.” Yun Yan told the truth. “

“Heh! So your name is Yun Yan! So can I just introduce myself?” Chen Rui said this not to Yun Yan, but to Alton Ye, who was sitting there calmly. .

“Okay! Take it easy.” Alton Ye said calmly.

When Chen Rui heard Ye Ming’s words, a faint smile formed at the corner of his mouth, and then turned to look at Yun Yan, her eyes sharp.

“Hello! My name is Chen Bo Rui.” Chen Rui said word by word.

A few short words were more powerful than a bomb, and both Yun Yan and Li Qingqing were shocked, full of shocked expressions.

Yun Yan looked at Chen Rui with furrowed brows, and didn’t believe that the person in front of him was the one in his mouth.

The most shocking was Li Qingqing. When Li Qingqing heard these words, her whole body was jiangying. She didn’t understand, because she didn’t understand what was going on.

The person on the screen is Chen Borui who she has liked for many years. Why is he called Yun Yan now? The person who was kidnapped with him is called Chen Borui, why wear a mask? Questions followed one after another, causing Li Qingqing a headache.

“Oh! Chen Borui? There are many people with the same name and surname in the world.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“The mark on the back.” Chen Rui said suddenly.

As soon as Chen Rui’s words came out, Yun Yan and Li Qingqing were shocked again. The imprint on the back was not wrong. Chen Borui had a mark on his back. It should be a birthmark, a mark like a knife, but, This mark may have disappeared, and it is impossible to see it.

Chapter 527

As soon as Chen Rui’s words came out, Yun Yan and Li Qingqing were shocked again. The imprint on the back was not wrong. Chen Borui had a mark on his back. It should be a birthmark, a mark like a knife, but, This mark may have disappeared, and it is impossible to see it.

Li Qingqing couldn’t move, so she could only turn her head to look at Chen Rui, who was wearing a mask but couldn’t see his face clearly.

“You…you…what are you…who are you?” Li Qingqing stammered.

At this moment, her heart is really messed up, because some questions persuade you to linger in her mind, wanting to solve all the answers one by one.

Chen Rui heard Li Qingqing’s voice, and a faint of complex emotion flashed in his eyes, can’t he really keep hiding it? Do you really have to take care of facing her all the time?

Chen Rui took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Li Qingqing. The complex emotions in her eyes made Li Qingqing see clearly. He gave a sigh in his heart, and his eyes were full of surprise.

“Sorry, I am Chen Borui, the real one.” Chen Rui looked at Li Qingqing and said word by word.

Li Qingqing heard shocked look at Chen Rui. What is going on? Why did this happen?

“Then…who is the man in that video?” Li Qingqing asked in a trembling voice.

“Sorry, this is a long story. If we can get out, I will tell you.” Chen Rui said in a deep voice.

Li Qingqing looked at Chen Rui not speaking, but nodded. “Ok!”

“Since the two of you have finished talking, shouldn’t we talk about it? Do you think it’s President Ye?” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“What does Pavilion Master Yun want to say?” Alton Ye looked at Yun Yan with a light smile.

A sentence of Pavilion Master Yun instantly made Yun Yan’s complexion green. Every time Alton Ye called Pavilion Master Yun, it was like a knife pierced into his heart, and it was like a silent irony, all hinting at him. Yun Yan has always been his defeated Alton Ye.

“Since I want to play the game, I should play a little bigger. I recently studied a poison and I just want to try it with you.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

Alton Ye heard a change in his face, which was fleeting, and Yun Yan didn’t even notice it.

Alton Ye knew that Yun Yan liked the poisons most. As long as it was the most poisonous and poisonous, he was afraid of Yun Yan, and even opened a factory specifically for making poisons.

“Since you don’t speak, I will assume that you agree. The two of them can only go out today. The nightclub, a cruel, cold-blooded person like you shouldn’t care about this kind of meddling, right?” Yun Yan owed. Speaking of beating.

“Go ahead, how to play the game.” Alton Ye asked in a deep voice.

“Okay! Since the nightclub can’t wait anymore, I won’t be talking nonsense.” After Yun Yan turned his head and looked at Chen Rui and Li Qingqing.

“Come here, bring everything up.” Yun Yan said coldly.

As soon as Yun Yan’s voice fell, a big man in black walked in with a small white bottle in his hand. The bottle looked beautiful and decorated beautifully, but it contained poison that made people worse off. .

The man in black put the small bottle on a table, and finally, one after another, he untied the ropes of Chen Rui and Li Qingqing, and tied them to a chair, facing the bottle.

“Well, the game between the two of us has started. If you withdrew the suppression of the Chen group, maybe I can let them go.” Yun Yan shrugged and said.

“You are scared.” Alton Ye said calmly.

Yun Yan heard his eyes staring at Alton Ye, and now the game of two people with power has begun.

“Let’s start then.” Yun Yan said coldly.

“How to play?” Alton Ye asked coldly.

“It’s very simple. I remember that we two had a match at the beginning. I clearly remember that one. I dismantled the firearms. I thought I was very fast, but I didn’t expect to lose to you, so I have not been reconciled. , So this time we compare it again. If you lose, they can only live one. If I lose, they can both live.” Yun Yan said coldly.

“I don’t think you are for the Chen Group.” Alton Ye said calmly.

“Talking to smart people is fun.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

“Let’s talk about what kind of gun to dismantle.” Alton Ye said coldly.

“It’s still the same as the pistol back then.” Yun Yan said in a deep voice.

“Heh! It turned out to be the gun, it’s not challenging at all.” Alton Ye said calmly.

“Compare before you talk.” Yun Yan said with a smile.

Alton Ye didn’t speak when he heard it. It was easy for two people to want a gun. After a minute, the same black pistol appeared in both hands.



Yun Yan just yelled the word “open”, and then Chen Rui interrupted the next word.

“What’s the matter?” Yun Yan asked coldly.

“Since I don’t know if I can go out alive today, let someone take off the mask on my face.” Chen Rui’s voice was firm.

“Come here, take off his mask.” Yun Yan said coldly.

When Chen Rui turned his head to look at Li Qingqing, who had been staring at him again, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Li Qingqing looked at Chen Rui’s smile, feeling warm and familiar in her heart. He was the only one with such a smile. As long as she was unhappy, he would smile at herself warmly.

“I hope it won’t scare you.” Chen Rui looked at Li Qingqing and said suddenly.

Li Qingqing did not understand Chen Rui’s words, but finally did not ask, watching the black man slowly untie his mask.

No one knows what will happen in the next second, and no one has the power of an unknown prophet.

If Chen Rui knew that what happened next would cause the woman in front of him to leave, then he would rather not take off the mask on his face, so that he would suffer pain in his back.

The moment Li Qingqing took off the mask, her eyes widened and looked at Chen Rui. She would not have thought that there was no good place on the face of the man in front of her, and what happened.

Yun Yan frowned when he looked at Chen Rui. This face was a bit familiar and unfamiliar, but he couldn’t tell. A figure flashed in his mind here.

“Yun Yan, you are going to delay time.” Alton Ye said coldly.

“Of course not, let’s start.” As Yun Yan’s voice fell, the voices stopped talking, they were all sounds of mechanical collisions.

Alton Ye and Yun Yan both took out the magazines at the same time. Hold the grip with your right hand, press the magazine card with your thumb, and take out the magazine with your left hand.

Remove the sleeve. Grip the grip with your right hand, pull the front end of the trigger guard with your left hand and push it slightly to one side, pressing it against the socket seat, then hold the socket with your left hand and pull it back to position, and then pull the back of the socket upwards. Take advantage of the tension of the reentry spring, remove the sleeve forward, remove the reentry spring, hold the grip with your right hand, and remove the reentry spring with your left hand.

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